snuggling conversations: parts of speech


It’s a joy when an informal sharing opportunity falls into my lap. This morning while snuggling with my daughter, she started telling me about the difference between nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs and gave me examples. Then she asked if there are any other parts of speech. So we chatted about pronouns, articles, interjections, and conjunctions. We made up silly sentences to give examples. Then my husband came over, and they shared some examples and asked each other questions. I know it doesn’t sound like an amazing idea to share with the world, but it’s just a tiny example of how informal sharing and learning can happen. And it was enjoyable for all of us. Let me mention that our informal learning is still intentional. I look for these opportunities, make time for them, and even treasure them. Afterwards, I jott down their essence in a notebook. This helps me keep track of what she knows and think through what we still should get to eventually.